“Maybe the ocean is nothing / except the sound of being born.” — From Ben Purkert’s poem “News”
“A Black Rear Extension Was Added To A 1960’s Brick House In Sydney“ — Stellar and surprising.
Forest Young on The Design of Business, The Business is Design — Terrific interview with this Wolff Olins designer. Fun to hear some self-deprecating stories from his getting-started years.
“How I Built This” on Betterment — I’ve been impressed with this offering in recent years and enjoyed this conversation with its young CEO.
In The Atlantic, Nathaniel Rich on “William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change”. Sounds fascinating and utterly Vollmann.
Link of the day: the International Institute of St. Louis. Grateful it exists. Proud to support it.
Finished season one of “Succession." Stopped midway through, for its sourness, then continued through the finale. Moneyed, nasty fun that leaves a lousy aftertaste. Great performances. Nicholas Braun as Cousin Greg steals every scene he’s in.
“A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.”
Hadn’t seen this Camus quote before. (It appropriately closed a new profile on Sam Mendes in TNY.)
“Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change”
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Nathanial Rich’s whole-issue article in the NYT Magazine. I read it in one punch-in-the-gut gulp on a car trip unusually free of kids and other responsibilities. Can’t recommend it more highly.
Our house suddenly feels warmer with the recent arrival of this 1963 Wurlitzer Spinet. Props to the kind folks at [http://www.jacksonpianos.com](Jackson Pianos).
Wearing Mama’s black jacket for warmth, Leo turned curator, leading the way.
Paul Ford on Microsoft Buying GitHub
Monday, June 18, 2018
From the piece: That’s how code happens in 2018. The process used to be the sort of thing people did in slow and ad hoc ways, a few times a year, and only after a lot of infighting over email. Now the same process might happen 10 times a day, and the infighting is right there in the pull requests. Hundreds of people might be working on one code thing or 10 people on 100 code things.
Four Recent Pieces on Parenthood
Sunday, June 17, 2018
On this Father's Day, here are four terrific recent pieces I've been lucky to come across — two very short essays, two short poems — that capture this part of life so well: "Mum's the Word," by Rivka Galchen"What is Possible," by Mohsin Hamid "To White Noise," by Carrie Fountain"Poem Without Sleep," by Carrie Fountain
Leadership St. Louis 2018-19
Monday, June 11, 2018
I'm honored and grateful to have been selected to be part of the 2018-19 class of Leadership St. Louis. Here's how FOCUS St. Louis describes the program: Leadership St. Louis is a highly respected program for established and emerging leaders who have demonstrated a deep commitment to improving the St. Louis region. The 9-month curriculum explores such issues as economic development, racial equity, education, poverty and social services, arts and culture, and the criminal justice system.
More Great Listening: Batuman & Sow
Friday, June 8, 2018
The Longform Podcast's new episode with Elif Batuman is fantastic. I've enjoyed her writing for a few years, and in this interview you can just feel her thinking deeply about literature and writing and gender and observing in cities around the world and much more. As interviewer Max Linsky tweeted when sharing the link: "Genuinely, this is the most fun I have had in a long time. It was so fun, in fact, that at one point I stopped and said 'Wow I’m just very happy to be sitting here with you!
Lucky Podcast: "The Choice"
Sunday, May 20, 2018
I don't think I've ever been more moved by an audio story than I was listening to this two-part podcast episode called "The Choice": In April of 1992, Nada Rothbart was living happily in Sarajevo, Bosnia, with her husband and two young sons–till the night the Bosnian Civil War broke out on the street in front of her home. By the time they recognized what was happening–it was too late; Nada was trapped with her children, surrounded by tanks and snipers.
Michael Chabon on Being a Writer + Parent
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
In an essay for GQ, he provides a decades-later response to an esteemed literary figure’s advice not to have kids, if he wanted a serious career as a writer. The piece closes: And those four “lost” novels predicted by the great man’s theory all those years ago? If I had followed the great man’s advice and never burdened myself with the gift of my children, or if I had never written any novels at all, in the long run the result would have been the same as the result will be for me here, having made the choice I made: I will die; and the world in its violence and serenity will roll on, through the endless indifference of space, and it will take only 100 of its circuits around the sun to turn the six of us, who loved each other, to dust, and consign to oblivion all but a scant few of the thousands upon thousands of novels and short stories written and published during our lifetimes.
Mona Hatoum’s “Hair Necklace,” shown in a slide from her packed-house talk today @pulitzerarts.
Aleksandar Hemon on “Katastrofa”: A superb and insightful essay on language and family.