During my nearly 30-year career, I’ve developed and led a range of communications, editorial, and brand projects: websites, magazines, books, videos, strategic messaging campaigns, brand strategy and positioning analyses, newsletters, podcasts, speeches, white papers, webinars, and more. Plus and a few personal publishing projects along the way.
While a healthy percentage of my work is now spent on initiatives that aren’t at home in a portfolio like this — staff management and building; organizational stewardship as a senior leader; long-term strategic planning; partnership building — I’ve got a soft spot for tracking distinct projects I’ve been grateful to be a part of. A few of these are below:
Giving — Directed an editorial refresh of this donor magazine for The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Design partner: Sprehe Studio.
Forever News — Wrote and edited this oversize quarterly for Forest Park Forever's leadership donors during our multi-year $130M campaign.
The Forever Campaign Launch Video — Led our work with Once Films across all four seasons to complete a video shown at the opening gala for the organization's $130M capital and endowment campaign. Subsequently, we produced a number of donor and staff spotlight videos released throughout the campaign.
Forest Park Forever Brand Platform — Led the development and implementation of Forest Park Forever’s first unified brand identity and messaging platform. Was invited to speak about this project regionally and at the American Marketing Association's national nonprofit conference in D.C.. Brand design partner: Paul Bussmann.
Forest Park Forever Impact Reports — Wrote and edited these annual reports to donors.
Forest Park Forever campaign — Wrote this 30-second TV and web commercial for our “Health, Hope & Happiness” campaign, launched during Covid. All Q4 materials carried this same theme. Agency partner: Once Films.
"Fires, Fuel & the Fate of 3 Billion: The State of the Energy Impoverished" — While at TOKY, I worked for a year-plus as the developmental editor of this unique book ultimately published by Oxford University Press, which describes it this way: "The first book aimed at a lay audience that examines the complex relationship between cookstoves and health in the developing world." Written by WashU's Gautam Yadama (above left, standing), with photographs by Mark Katzman (above left, middle). Subsequently presented to former President Clinton by WashU's Chancellor. (You may notice a title change on the cover, which happened once Oxford picked it up.)
Brand awareness campaign — In-house lead and commissioner of this awareness campaign for Forest Park Forever that spanned in-park signage and a wide range of online activation. Strategically planned to occur a few months before our major year-end fundraising push. Agency partner: Almanac.
ListenForestPark.org — Conceived of and built this microsite streaming sounds of the Park's 1,300 acres. Spoke about this at a national conference.
ForestParkMap.org — Conceived of and commissioned this interactive, GPS-enabled, device-agnostic digital map with info on hundreds of locations to guide visitors. Agency partner: TOKY.
Real Creative Leadership — While at Stoke, I spent a year as executive producer of the Real Creative Leadership video podcast, hosted by then Adobe Executive Creative Director Adam Morgan. Sourced guests, prepped for the interviews, edited segments.
St. Louis Magazine — Served as Editor-in-chief of this city monthly between spring 2007 and summer 2010. Oversaw each monthly issue, website relaunch, launch of themed blogs. Visible presence at company and civic events.
Global Adobe Content — Content strategist, editor, producer for Adobe videos, webinars, and more.
"Abstractions Arrive" — Conceived of, edited, and published this iPad-only visual ebook (at the time relatively unusual), featuring the work of William H. Gass and Michael Eastman.
Not included, but remembered fondly: Many non-postable client projects and a few especially solid project pitches that never sailed; three books edited for Wisconsin Historical Society Press; lots of media spokesperson appearances on TV, radio, podcasts, and print; published interviews with David Sedaris, Jonathan Franzen, Ursula Goodenough, William H. Gass, and David Mitchell; a remembrance of William H. Gass commissioned by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; two years’ worth of TOKY newsletters and blog posts; and 100+ book and music reviews, as well as profiles on scientists, artists, software designers, entrepreneurs, and others published in St. Louis Magaizne and the alumni magazines for WashU and Claremont McKenna College.