Adam Gopnik: "Practicing Doubt, Redrawing Faith"

Terrific “On Being” conversation. 

"Status Update" — This American Life

The first segment on high school freshman and Instagram (“’Relevance’ is a big term right now…. In middle school, we were definitely really relevant… ”) is a pretty incredible window.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Longform

Two of my favorites.


A film with gorgeous black and white shots from start to finish.

"I Was a Refugee"

Veneta Rizvic, writing in the St. Louis Business Journal.

"Unfollow" — Conversion Via Twitter

Incredible story.

A Eulogy for Rdio

I’ve been a happy subscriber and many-hours-a-day listener for years. Bummed they couldn’t make it work.

Kjartansson in Central Park

Watching Ragnar Kjartansson’s “S.S. Hangover,” part of “Drifting in Daylight: Art in Central Park” from Creative Time.

Year in Review: 2014

Back before Tamara and I had our son in the summer of 2013, I used to keep regular lists of my “Annual Favorites” of the year — the best books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, exhibitions and so on that I’d consumed that year.

To say my rate of cultural digestion changed with fatherhood would be an understatement; that said, I still have an interest in logging the great stuff (if only for myself). So while I skipped 2013 entirely, here’s a go at some highlights from 2014:
In May, I published a project I’d been working on for some time: The Ear’s Mouth Must Move: Essential Interviews with William H. Gass. I chose to publish this on Medium at no cost to the reader, and included a range of footnotes, photos and videos. Thanks to all the contributors who made this possible. 


  1. On Immunity: An Inoculation, Eula Biss

  2. My Struggle, Book One: Karl Ove Knausgård

  3. Little Failure, Gary Shteyngart

  4. Notes from No Man’s Land: American Essays, Eula Biss

  5. What We See When We Read, Peter Mendelsund

  6. Inferno (The Divine Comedy, #1), Dante Alighieri (Mary Jo Bang, Translator)

  7. Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst, Adam Phillips


  1. Like Someone In Love

  2. Inside Llewyn Davis

  3. Her

  4. The Grand Budapest Hotel

  5. La Notte

  6. Jane Eyre (2011)

  7. A Most Wanted Man

  8. Gone Girl

  9. Take This Waltz

  10. Enough Said

  11. The One I Love

  12. Your Sister’s Sister


  1. Design Matters

  2. Slate Culture Gabfest

  3. Serial

  4. The Monocle Weekly

  5. Longform

  6. In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg

  7. The Entrepreneurs (Monocle)

  8. The Stack (Monocle)

  9. The Political Scene (The New Yorker)

  10. New Yorker: Out Loud

Articles & Essays
If you follow me on Twitter, you have likely already seen links to the best articles and essays I read in 2014. I use it mainly as a way to praise and recommend. 

I listen to Rdio every day of the week — on my Mac, iPad and iPhone. A great deal of what I stream is classical, since I listen while I work. And on that front I do a poor job of logging what I like, as I hop quickly from label to composer, from soloist to trio. So for this post I’ll skip classical (and hip-hop, where I also jump around) and point simply to a handful of indie albums I enjoyed this year: 




Readers: I’m very pleased to announce the launch of

Free to all and readable on any device, the microsite collects a dozen essential interviews that Gass gave between the late 1970s and 2011. It’s titled “The Ear’s Mouth Must Move,” a phrase of Gass’ own. The pieces feature text, related historical photography, video, and a handful of marginal notes and links that might be of interest to readers. 

Hope you dig in.

Leo @ 1

"In Prison, Preparing for Home"

In my first post on Medium, I write briefly about attending a performance of Prison Performing Arts, whose Board I’m on.

"On Becoming a Father"

A lovely short essay by Alexis C. Madrigal. 

Life News: I'm Joining Forest Park Forever

This is an exciting week for me: I’m joining the staff of Forest Park Forever as the organization’s Strategic Communications Director.

For those unfamiliar with St. Louis, Forest Park is my hometown’s larger-than-Central-Park gem that’s home to the Saint Louis Art Museum, the Saint Louis Zoo, the Missouri History Museum, and several other terrific organizations; there’s also tennis, golf, running paths, paddle boats, fishing, you name it. FPF is the private nonprofit, created in 1986, whose mission is to “restore, maintain and sustain Forest Park as one of America’s great urban public parks, for the enjoyment of all now and forever.” (If you’d like a glimpse at the remarkable work FPF has done over the past few decades, here are some before-and-after photos published in the RFT last month.)

The Park’s a special place for me — it’s where, as a kid, I played in junior tennis tournaments and sledded down Art Hill. And it’s where, as an adult, I met my wife … and even where I married her.

It’s been such a pleasure to work at TOKY these past few years — the firm is packed with kind, talented people creating smart, beautiful work. I’ll miss the team and the clients, and wish them all well.

Looking ahead, I’m incredibly excited about this new opportunity at Forest Park Forever. Everyone I’ve met so far has been impressive, upbeat, and passionate about doing great work for the good of this incomparable place. Can’t wait to get started on Tuesday. 

Leo Visits Mama at Her Pulitzer Office

Seamus Heaney: 1939 – 2013

Sad news: The great Irish poet Seamus Heaney has died at age 74. 

When I was a freshman in college in the early 1990s, I was fortunate enough to take an upper-level English class with Dr. Ed Duffy, who dedicated a few months of the semester just to Heaney’s work. It was a remarkable immersion, and I felt incredibly engaged and grown-up. 

We serially read Heaney’s Station Island, a quest for both the book’s narrator and the course’s students. And at some point we landed on perhaps Heaney’s most well-known poem, “Digging,” which ends this way:

Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pen rests.
I’ll dig with it.

That occupational charge — This is my purpose — was powerful for this future English major, as I suspect it’s been for many others. 

Since then I’ve kept up with Heaney, reading profiles of him, lectures from him, and adding a few of his books to my shelves. Unfortunately, it seems the slim Station Island paperback is no longer with me, though a few fatter collections are.

As I paged back through these this morning, more than a few striking lines still earn the squiggles and exclamation marks with which I marked them the first time through: “the black glacier / of each funeral / pushed away” (“Funeral Rites”); “Love, I shall perfect for you the child / Who diligently potters in my brain” (“Poem”); “The future was a verb in hibernation” (“Villanelle for an Anniversary”); “the whispering grass / Ran its fingers through our guessing silence” (“A Dream of Jealousy”).

To close, I’ll quote from a few longer passages I’d marked, still so vividly earthy and right. From “Death of a Naturalist”:

Then one hot day when fields were rank
With cowdung in the grass the angry frogs
Invaded the flax-dam; I ducked through hedges
To a coarse croaking that I had not heard
Before. The air was thick with a bass chorus.
Right down the dam gross-bellied frogs were cocked
On sods; their loose necks pulsed like sails. Some hopped:
The slap and plop were obscene threats. Some sat
Poised like mud grenades, their blunt heads farting.
I sickened, turned, and ran. 

And the last lines from “Personal Helicon”:

Now, to pry into roots, to finger slime, 
To stare, big-eyed Narcissus, into some spring
Is beneath all adult dignity. I rhyme
To see myself, to set the darkness echoing. 

The Unauthorized Marissa Mayer Biography

22,000 words. A very interesting read.

Ramón Lobo Interviews David Remnick

From the lengthy Q&A:

Coming back to the first topic of our conversation, how can we convince people that Internet is not enough to be informed?

I don’t agree with you. I think the Internet is just a tool, a means of distribution. And it’s a radically more efficient means of distribution than print.

But some people may have the impression they can know everything what is happening only with a click.

And they can. If they buy things on the Internet. In other words, The New York Times can’t be for free and I have no problem with people reading The New Yorker online. I’m 54 years old, you’re 58 and we may prefer it printed for all the reasons that all the people prefer things that they are used to. I prefer certain kinds of drinks, I prefer Bob Dylan to the latest hip hop sensation, but that’s because I’m 54, that’s nothing, that’s just an ordinary normal human being.

What I want to say is that you can be beautifully informed with nothing but a laptop, but you need a laptop and a credit card. Because it can’t be for free.

Can’t recall a single run-in with David Remnick — reading a piece of his, or an interview like this — where I didn’t come away incredibly impressed.

My Father-in-Law, Profiled

“Artist’s wire trees free the mind, shape the future,” written by Doug Moore and published in this past Sunday’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch. With some nice photos to boot. 

To view (and buy?) his work, visit

Gass at 89